Today, Public Health Ontario (PHO) released the initial results of its COVID-19 Serosurveillance initiative. By testing blood specimens submitted to the PHO laboratories for other purposes, the report demonstrates how levels of COVID-19 antibodies in the Ontario population evolved from 0.4% in March-April to 1.5% in late May to 1.1% in the month of June.

The COVID-19 Immunity Task Force, (CITF) congratulates PHO on these first results and is proud to have provided support to PHO’s Serosurveillance Initiative through the purchase and procurement of 30,000 antibody tests. “These results are an important initial look at the pattern of infection and immunity in the Ontario population”, said Dr. Timothy Evans, the Executive Director of the CITF, “we will be posting them on the CITF supported SeroTracker site immediately”.