Wednesday, May 26, 2021 – 1 p.m. EDT
The COVID-19 Immunity Task Force (CITF) hosted an event with Canadian Blood Services and Héma-Québec to share the latest seroprevalence results from blood donors across Canada. Representatives from all three organizations gave an overview and an analysis of the data, including through the CITF’s modelling efforts, to provide researchers, academics and policymakers with a clear and detailed reading of what they mean for the future of our pandemic response.

Timothy Evans, MD, PhD
Executive Director, COVID-19 Immunity Task Force

Sheila O’Brien, PhD
Associate Director of Epidemiology and Surveillance and primary investigator, Canadian Blood Services

Marc Germain, PhD
Vice-President, Medical Affairs and Innovation and primary investigator, Héma-Québec

David Buckeridge, PhD
Scientific Lead, Data Management, COVID-19 Immunity Task Force