News Coverage

La tension monte entre Ottawa et Québec

Ottawa investira dans les tests pour modéliser la maladie. Le mandat a été confié à un groupe de travail composé du Dr David Naylor, de la Dre Catherine Hankins, du Dr Tim Evans, avec l’appui de la Dre Theresa Tam et de Mona Nemer, la scientifique en chef du Canada. Ils coordonneront des tests sanguins qui vont aider à [...]

2020-05-04T16:43:42-04:00April 24, 2020|News Coverage|

Trudeau: ‘We are failing our parents, our grandparents, our elders’

As many long-term care homes lose residents to deadly coronavirus outbreaks, Justin Trudeau lamented Canada’s treatment of its elders from his lectern at Rideau Cottage. “If you’re angry, frustrated, scared, you’re right to feel this way,” he said. “We need to do better because we are failing our parents or grandparents, our elders, the [...]

2020-05-01T10:47:03-04:00April 24, 2020|News Coverage|

Canada launches serological testing initiative to help manage COVID-19

The Government of Canada is launching a task force to measure the scope of coronavirus infection in Canada and rapidly provide information needed to manage the COVID-19 pandemic and safely get Canadians back to work. The COVID-19 Immunity Task Force will generate this vital information, drawing on experts from universities and hospitals across Canada and working [...]

2020-04-30T09:34:38-04:00April 23, 2020|News Coverage|

Testing, testing: The key to controlling coronavirus spread

Widespread testing for the coronavirus is considered a key part of the pandemic response, both for diagnosing infections and, potentially, to ease lockdowns. In Canada, provinces initially limited diagnostic tests for COVID-19 to health-care workers who were directly caring for patients, for people with severe symptoms and for those who work with vulnerable groups. [...]

2020-05-14T09:39:52-04:00April 22, 2020|News Coverage|
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