General population studies

Pulmonary embolisms can be prevented by screening patients who go to the emergency department with COVID-19 symptoms for blood clots

A CITF-funded study published in the Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine by Dr. Corinne Hohl (University of British Columbia), found that performing a D-dimer screening test on patients exhibiting characteristic COVID-19 symptoms upon admission to hospital emergency departments (ED) was very effective in ruling out the risk of pulmonary embolism (PE) within 30 days.

2023-01-23T10:41:35-05:00January 23, 2023|General population studies|

Delays in publishing seroprevalence studies reduce their usefulness for public health policy

A study relying on data from CITF-funded SeroTracker, published in Epidemics by Dr. Rahul Arora (University of Calgary), showed that peer-reviewed scientific papers and preprints of COVID-19 seroprevalence studies are published more slowly than those published via other means, thereby diminishing their usefulness to public health decision-makers during a time-sensitive health emergency response.

2023-01-17T15:43:03-05:00January 17, 2023|General population studies|
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